Subject Offerings

​​​​​​​​Primary Curriculum

Early Years – Prep to Year 2

​In the Early Years at St Joseph's College, each child's unique spiritual, physical, social and emotional needs are developed. We build on prior experiences to develop a strong foundation in literacy and numeracy.  Promoting learning through meaningful contexts that include investigations, play, explicit teaching, and establishing routines and transitions. ​​​​

Junior Years - Year 3​ - 6

In the Junior Years, the explicit teaching of skills support and encourage learners to explore the world and develop meaning through inquiry-based learning. Teachers embrace innovative teaching practices to deliver rich, dynamic, student-driven 21st century learning. Through the use of flexible learning spaces and technology, students have opportunities to engage, design and produce in environments that are conducive to creativity. ​

Subjects: Religious Education, English, Mathematics, Science, HASS, HPE, The Arts, Technologies, Spanish 

Secondary Curriculum

Year 7 - 8​


2 x subject​s per Semester

​Religious Education, English, Mathematics, Science,
Physical Education, Humanities​

​Visual Art, Media, Business Studies, Industrial Technology & Design,
Food Technology, Music, Drama, Spanish​

Year 9 -10

​​​Religious Education, English, Mathematics, Science,
Physical Education, Humanities​

​Economics, Business & Legal Studies, Spanish, Drama, Media & Film Studies, Music, Visual Art, Digital Technologies, Food Technology​

Year 11

​Religious Education, English, Mathematics
​Business, Legal Studies, Modern History, Spanish, Sciences, Drama, Film Television and New Media, Music, Visual Arts, Media Arts, Engineering, Food and Nutrition, Health, Physical Education, Sport and Recreation.
Vocational Education and Training Courses (Cert III Courses) 
See student handbook for details and list of training courses on offer

© Brisbane Catholic Education, St Joseph's College (2022)​