St Joseph's College nurtures the
Christian prayer life of our community through:
- Teaching and using a variety of traditional prayers and devotions for individual and communal use
- Scheduling time to allow for prayer and worship across the college
- Immersing students in diverse experiences of prayer e.g. meditation.
celebrate liturgy and sacraments through:
- Providing formation for staff, students and parents
- Arranging the physical environment and providing resources for full and active participation in liturgy and sacrament
- Providing opportunities for the celebration of the sacraments within the life of the college.
The College recognises and
ritualises the sacredness of everyday life through:
- Ritualising life events e.g. rites of passage, beginning and end of year, times of grief and loss
- Including prayer rituals in the day to day procedures and routines of college life
- Inviting parental involvement in prayer rituals.

© Brisbane Catholic Education, St Joseph's College (2019)